Thursday, May 21, 2015

Free write

So right now I have 22 hours and all you need to have to 25 hours to graduate. So that like 3 Fridays. Yesterday I went to a middle school play so i can get 2 hours. I honestly did not know what was going on in the play but who cares I got my 2 hours. So in the play there was one boy who kept missing up every way possible. Like when everyone was dancing, he did it wrong like he move late and did not do it right. But it's okay no one perfect, I'm sure a lot of people would make that same mistake. But everyone else did a good job like everything was organized. Oh yeah this lady in front of me was telling me to be quiet, but i didn't listen and she was upset. Soon when the show was over Ms.Carr gave her shoutout and brought her to the stage. If I knew she was important I would of never kept talking. But it's all good I got my two hours. So  now we got to write a paper for community about what we did. Good thing it's just one page paper because that is only going to make like 10mins to do. I'm going to just write about the autism walk and this play. I'm going to pretend I love the play in my paper so she can think i love community services just as much I love doing this blog. Lying come in good hand sometimes.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Tomlin's Project

  So in Ms. Tomin class we are working on a new project. In this project we are assign our salary and credit scores. So I decided to work with Malik, so this project can be much easier. So I was assign a salary of 35,000 and have a credit scores of 700. My partner Malik making $40,000 and have a credit scores of 750. I wish i had more money but at least we making 75k a year. Also we assign ourselves a job and the location of the job. So I work in Chase bank as an account on 125th street and Malik work in St Johns as a athletic trainer. So we had to write about how do we get to work everyday. So we live on 129th Lenox ave, which makes my life much easier to get to work. So i wrote about how i just need to walk about 15mins to get to work. For Malik he had to take two trains to get to work and also walk about 10mins. He had to pay 116.50 for a monthly metro card.  Oh yeah, we have a son named Noah. Noah is 15 years old and goes to Thurgood Marshall Academy. We dont have to spend much money on him since he goes to a uniform school and lives so close. Im glad Ms. Tolin gave us the project because now i started to realize we have to spend so much money. And life is not easy when have to worried about so many bills and make sure your kid have everything he/she needs.